
Domin Nakloke – Unlocking Love Film Series

The Domin Nakloke film series is centered around the trials and tribulations of a group of female best friends. Expect sports, heart break, love and drama! This film series is part of the Partnership for Human Development and is funded by Australian Aid. Each episode is coupled with a talk show element that will allow for debriefing around the series content, expert advice for young people and maybe even maybe a celebrity guest! This series was created through an Entertainment Education methodology meaning that even though the purpose is to bring important message on gender equality, sexual and reproductive health and violence prevention to viewers, keeping the films fun and engaging is a top priority.

Results of Episodes 1-3

Results of Episode 4


Feto Fantastiku – Female Superhero Film Series

Ba Futuru first brought Feto Fantastiku ba Dame (the Fantastic Female Peacebuilder) to life in 2013 and the film series continues to have new episodes each year. Timor-Leste’s first super-hero, Feto Fantastiku’s mission is to spread peace and help Timorese individuals, families and communities learn practical strategies for non-violent conflict resolution.

Ba Futuru Productions

Scared Cool (2010)

Voting Day (2011)

Other Films

Skateboarders of Timor-Leste

Introduction to Ba Futuru

Ba Futuru's Early Childhood Facility

Ba Futuru's Rising Star Award

Timor Barefoot Skakeboarders

Ba Futuru Peace Song Music Video