Our Supporters

Thank you for making our life transforming programming possible!

Ba Futuru is able to transform the lives of so many Timorese through the contribution of many individuals and organizations both in Timor-Leste and globally.

Ba Futuru receives funding from individuals, foundations, government grants (both the Government of Timor-Leste and foreign governments), and United Nations agencies, as well as getting support through service fees, and corporate partnerships and sponsorship. The majority of Ba Futuru’s funds come from project grants from philanthropic foundations, and bilateral and multilateral donors.  In recent years Ba Futuru has begun diversifying to increase sustainability including through training, community theater, radio and film production on a fee-for-service basis.

There are more individuals that need our conflict prevention and educational programming than we currently serve, and thus we require additional support.  Please consider:

  1. donating today, or
  2. volunteering with Ba Futuru (in Timor-Leste or by supporting us from your home country).

Ba Futuru Past & Current Donors

Some of Ba Futuru’s donors are listed below, for more details see our Annual Reports.

Government Donors

Government of Timor-Leste
Australian AID
Australian Embassy Small Grants Fund
British Embassy in Jakarta
Canada Fund for Local Initiatives
European Union
Finnish Fund for Local Cooperation
GIZ – The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH
Grand Challenges Canada
Institute of Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa) with means of the German Federal Foreign Office
Japanese Embassy in Dili
New Zealand Head of Mission Fund
The Programa Nasional Dezenvolvimentu Suku (PNDS, or, National Program for Village Development)
USAID’s Avansa Project
USAID’s Ba Distrito Project
United States Department of State
United States Embassy Small Grants Fund

Foundations & Other Organizations

Austin Community Foundation
CARE International
Child Frontiers
ChildFund Timor-Leste
European Commission
Global Fund for Children
Global Fund for Women
Lonely Planet Foundation
Paz de Desarrollo
PeaceJam Foundation
Plan International
Save the Children Sweden
Silverton Foundation
STARS Foundation
The Asia Foundation


Air Timor
Animals as Natural Therapy
Concept Maintenance
Denver University
Discover Dili
East Timor Trading
Graphica Patria
Hotel Timor
Nobel Timor
Sunrise Joint Venture
The Points Guy
Timor Plaza
Timor Telecom


Child Frontiers
Grameen Foundation
International Republican Institute
NGO Forum
Organization Haburas Moris
Partnership for Human Development
Peace Jam
Rain Barrel Communications
Rede Feto
Roman Luan
Women’s Campaign International

Make a Donation

Help reduce violence, protect children, empower women and inspire young learners in Timor -Leste.