Strategic Focus
Ba Futuru will continue to provide women, young people and children with knowledge and skills to protect themselves from violence, while offering opportunities for self-expression, education, and job and leadership preparedness that can help them overcome the negative effects of conflict and gain the skills to create a positive, peaceful and productive future. At the same time Ba Futuru will work to develop the skills of those who impact the lives of women, young people and children, and will help to build the structures, systems and legal frameworks in the areas of conflict mitigation, protection and education. Ba Futuru’s four pillars of work are mutually reinforcing. For example, our efforts to reduce violence also support more conducive learning environments for young learners through reduction of violence in school settings. This interconnectedness is a value-added element of Ba Futuru’s strategy that enables the organization to get better impacts and results that are farther reaching and more sustainable.
Using innovative approaches
Ba Futuru uses innovative approaches in education, empowerment, violence prevention and to spread information on accessing protection assistance. We seek to utilize new technologies as well as creative, collaborative and interactive ways to achieve our mission and vision. Over the coming years Ba Futuru will continue to provide high-quality participatory training programs and use creative approaches including through art, media, film, community theater and sport to spread messages across Timor-Leste, embed behavior change and to help people overcome their experiences of violence.
Protecting children
Ba Futuru will continue to equip children with knowledge and skills to protect themselves from violence and abuse, and provide them with information on accessing assistance mechanisms. We will also provide those who impact the lives of children – including educators, parents, police, civil society actors, traditional leaders and elected community leaders – with the knowledge and skills to implement community-based protection, access the formal justice system and increase their understanding of the negative impacts of violence and physical punishment.
Reducing violence
Ba Futuru will work to prevent violence against children, women and vulnerable people through outreach and education. Ba Futuru will simultaneously undertake advocacy and encourage dialogue among key players at local, municipality and national levels. Our work will contribute to strengthening laws, networks and protection systems (including government policies and procedures regarding law enforcement, judicial systems and protection response mechanisms), so that when violations of human or child rights occur responses are effective and justice ensues.
Empowering women
Ba Futuru will build on its previous work in gender equality and reducing violence against women to further enhance women’s social and economic empowerment. Ba Futuru will continue its work to empower female leaders as agents of protection and change. We will provide these women with enhanced skills in leadership and decision-making so they are able to make a meaningful contribution to the nation’s development. We will respond to the needs of growing numbers of Timorese women seeking opportunities to take part in decision making processes and build economic independence in an effort to support their well-being and that of their children.
Inspiring young learners
Ba Futuru works with schools, students, educators, caregivers and parents to decrease the use of corporal punishment, inspire young learners and improve the learning outcomes for children and young people in Timor-Leste. Our educational programs span from early childhood to senior high school, where we provide teacher training and mentoring including to encourage the use of child-centered, play-based and participatory education strategies.