Educating, Inspiring and Creating Change through the arts
Programa DAME: Drama, Artes, Media no Edukasaun / DAME Program: Drama, Arts, Media and Education.
- Production of high quality community theatre on specific issues such as peace building, women’s empowerment, conflict resolution, positive discipline, healthy living, nutrition, legal issues, sustainability and democratic processes.
- Performance of community theatre across all municipalities of Timor-Leste.
- Drama education with children, high school students and at-risk young people, utilizing theatre styles relevant to post conflict context.
- Facilitation of creative expression programs, including collaboration with Ba Futuru’s expert visual arts, photography, music and multimedia facilitators.
- Production of culminating showcases with young people, promoting peace in communities and displaying skills gained by participants.
- Facilitation of conflict resolution and communication workshops through theatre.
- Script writing for community theatre, film or radio.
- Production of short films for community education, for a range of target audiences.
- Experienced and highly skilled actors, available for film, radio and live performance.
- Design of monitoring and evaluation frameworks, including pre-performance and post-performance audience engagement methods, to assist in measuring success.
Current and past projects
- Theatre workshops in collaboration with NGO Many Hands International in 2011, on the topics of ‘Engaging Communities Through Theatre’ and ‘Making Community Theatre in Timor-Leste’.
- Workshops on Theatre of the Oppressed, as part of Arte Publiku Festival in 2014.
- Movement workshops in partnership with Kinetic Dance and TERTIL, culminating in the Dancing Together community concert in Dili in early 2015.
- Participation in the Makhampon Living Theatre Forum in Thailand in September and October 2011, and contribution to a resulting project that created a DVD of folktales from across Asia.
- Participation in weekly classes throughout 2011, under the guidance of Australian volunteer Emma Dawson. The Drama Team studied a range of theatre techniques, developing both their acting and playwriting skills.
- Participation in a weeklong Forum Theatre workshop in Timor-Leste in 2012, facilitated by theatre expert Hjalmar Jorge Joffre-Eichorn.
- Participation in ‘Masak-Masak’ (Let’s Play), a theatre and education conference held in Singapore in May 2013. The Ba Futuru delegates presented on using theatre to promote human rights and development issues in Timorese communities and held interactive workshops sharing the techniques used at Ba Futuru.
- Collaboration with theatre makers and actors from across Timor-Leste to devise, rehearse and perform a pantomime performance for Arte Publiku Festival 2014.
- Working to develop the Drama Program with Australian volunteer Claire Millar throughout 2014 and 2015, building capacity in areas of project management, fundraising and the production of high quality theatre and film, to expand the Drama Program and ensure its sustainability.
Similar Projects
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Creating Quality Learning Environments for Young People
Most children in Timor-Leste do not have access quality non-violent education which hinders their social and economic advancement. With your support Ba Futuru, a local NGO, can bring quality education to many more young people.
Ba Futuru has been carrying out transformative work with teachers and school management committees. This work has turned many high need schools into quality learning environments. Our aim is to create happy, supportive, and safe school environments so that the young people would be able to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to create positive futures for themselves and their communities.
We encourage new styles of teaching rather than traditional rote models, enhanced in-school relationships, improved infrastructure, created better learning environments and reduced violence. Our work encourages teachers to stop using violent discipline and to replace this with positive classroom management strategies.
After Ba Futuru worked with their schools for 9 months, the students reported that their teachers made a good progress in their teaching methods. “Before hand, the majority of the teachers asked students to write or copy from the board without any explanation. But now they changed their teaching methods. They are using participatory methods such as asking comprehension questions, using group work, doing energizer activities, using games and explaining about the subject matter.”
A student representative from the School Management Committee of one target school reported: “From my point of view, the teachers have changed after they attended the training from Ba Futuru. Compared to previously when students were being punished, even bitten when they make a mistake in class or come to the school late. Some teachers just asked us to copy from the board without providing any clear explanations. Those that practice the new methods provide us with good explanations and it makes it easier to understand. And sometimes when we are getting bored, the teachers utilize games. I have also noticed that there is less physical punishment. I propose that Ba Futuru continue with the training of our teachers so they can improve their teaching methods.”
Long-Term Impact
Sustainability of outcomes has been enhanced through Ba Futuru’s the teacher training toolkit and the fact that the Ministry of Education, as well as target school administrators, teachers and teacher trainers can utilize the toolkit into the future. Films on each training module have been created so they can be shared widely with teachers that do not have access to in-person training.
- 10,000s of students are benefiting from Ba Futuru various educational programs that have trained 1,000s of teachers, from early childhood to University level
- 100s of children have received scholarships helping them gain the items they need for going to school
Help transform the learning environments of the young people of Timor-Leste
Breaking the Cycle of Violence
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