
Timor-Leste’s Domin Nakloke/Unlocking Love Film Series Receives Acclaim Overseas
June 2018, Guidepost Newspaper


NGO Ba Futuru and OHM help Women to Drive Peace and Economic Development
Newspaper February 6. 2018 

English    Tetun

Timorese Changemakers Look to the Past to Build a Peaceful Future!

Guidepost December 2017

English Article

Ba Futuru concludes Economic Empowerment and Conflict Prevention Programmes in TL
September 2017

Filme Domin Nakloke Lori Mensagen Pozitivu Ba Sosiedade
August 2017 The Dili Weekly Newspaper
English and Tetum

Creative Peacebuilding for Timor-Leste Youth, Women and Children
December 2015
Development Dialogue

NGO Ba Futuru Launches New Feto Fantastiku Short Film
January 2015, Guidepost Newspaper

Local NGO Ba Futuru Receives Outstanding Leadership Award
June 2013,  Guidepost Newspaper

ONG Ba Futuru Simu Premiu
6 May 2013,  Diraio Nacional Newspaper
By Nev – Grupo de Media Nacionlal

Timor-Leste’s gangs confront brutal past

Gang members in country formed after 24-year conflict to try to come to terms with legacy of violence

June 15, 2012  The GuardianNewspaper UK
By Kate Hodal

Festivals will Ensure the Promotion of Peace for the Parlimentary Elections
Festival Garante Promove Paz Ba Eleisaun Parlamentar
May 30, 2012 Diaro Newspaper

Ba Futuru’s Center Transformed

September 2010 Guidepost Newspaper

Festival of Peace in Dili: 

to bring down the highest rate of violence in Timor-Leste
November 24, 2008

When Words are Not Enough

October 10, 2008 Sydney Morning Herald 

Healing Wartime Scars with Art

October 26, 2007 The Australian Jewish News
Timor Joins Global Peace Movement
September 14, 2007 Diario

Imprisoned Children Receive Training / Dadur Labarik Simu Formasaun
May 30, 2007 Timor Post

Timorese Youth Fight for Peace, Page 11
April 2007 Issue Guide Post